An underlying set of values, regulations and principles reflected in our company allow us to reach a greater harmonious relationship with society and also a better adaptation to more environments by respecting the rights recognised by society and the values that it shares.
Our conduct code has the purpose of fighting against :
- Corruption
- Workplace harassment
- Defamation
- Deceptive Advertising
Discrimination Intolerance for reasons of :
- Race
- Colour
- Creed
- Sex
- Age
- Physical or Mental Handicap
And fighting for:
- Environmental Responsability
- To respect the employees´ necessities and rights.
- To have a clear visión for a better future.
- To maintain a safe and healthy atmosphere.
- To implement a policy against sexual harassment.
At Remaned we are very conscious of our responsibility, towards society, as ethics are not only important at work but also in our daily life.

Social responsibility policies at Remaned are designed to implement a process of improvement in entrepreneurial management, with the aim of minimizing the impact that this activity causes in the environment and the present and future society. We work mainly in three sectors: Social, environmental and economic.

Companies are made up of a group of professionals, therefore it is necessary to set common objectives based on the effort and hard work of every individual in the team. As in any team sport, each profesional must know his function very clearly and know that not everybody can reach the goal line or score, but without the help of his team, no sportsman has any chance of winning any title. Therefore, it is team work that allows the reaching of marked objectives.